Tuomas Leisti
Senior Behavioral Scientist
Tuomas Leisti's mission is to improve our decision-making processes by addressing the limitations of conscious, logical reasoning alone. He recognizes that our biased minds can hinder effective decision-making by leading us to rely on tacit knowledge or rationalize our intuitive choices. This can introduce inconsistency, or noise, into our decisions, which he aims to minimize through his research.
Tuomas earned his PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Helsinki. Currently, he serves as a Senior Lecturer at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches psychology, organizational behavior, and innovation management.
In addition to his teaching and research, Tuomas has a long history of collaboration with companies on topics such as human-technology interaction and perceptual quality assessment. He is also the author of the book "Päätöksenteon illuusiot - Ymmärrä miten teet päätöksiä" ("Illusions of Decision Making: Understand How You Make Decisions"), co-authored with Hanna Poskiparta.